To think of it, the fact that there isn't a decent course in school or college that deals with simple, fundamental rules of money management is very shocking!!
I was wondering why there isn't an NGO/NPO/Social Benefit Organization out there that deals with the education of this aspect, considering the difference they can make to people from various sectors of the society.
Many economists propose that the path to eradication of poverty is not by mere education, nor by providing subsidies, but by economic development that creates jobs and supports rural entreprenuerial activity, in very very small steps.
I propose that the best way to take the first step to progress towards that goal is by helping educate people on how to manage their money and credit better!
Here's an example, for a start:
# 1: Inflation erodes your money; implies (among other important things remember this is just one example), that the return on your FDs (Fixed Deposits) works out approximately to between 0 to 2% (Assuming current Indian Tax Laws and an average Inflation of 4-5%, considering the last 2 years).
You see what I'm saying? I'll wage a bet that a greater percent of even the middle class bread winners do not know this fact! How shocking!!!
Can you guess what's #2, as related to your SB A/cs?